María Evelyn Romero Gomez - Estoy Aquí
About the Exhibition:
Cuando era pequeña, mi mami siempre mantuvo mi cabello largo. My mom would tenderly brush my long, flowing hair. Algunos días me peinaba en coletas pero casi siempre me hacía dos trenzas. A veces para proteger mi cabello, otras para vestirme como la niñita que era. Casi todos los días me sentaba junto a mi abuela y admiraba sus manos y como trabajaba para terminar los petates.
Queer identity lives in a battlefield, a canvas marred by never belonging and never being able to just be. I paint with the colors of my experience, each brushstroke a reflection from my journey. Inconscientemente le he otorgado colores específicos a las personas que han formado parte de este proyecto.
Male-presenting bodies have blues and pinks. Los cuerpos de mujeres (como el mío) contienen rojos. Women are enveloped in fiery reds. Cada color y curva es un testimonio de la valentía de la experiencia humana y la belleza de aceptar quiénes somos en el amplio espectro de nuestras identidades — the delicate negotiation between the internal self and the identity we wear.
Through photography I explore femininity, cultural identity and how comfortable we are within it.
About the Artist:
Ni de aquí, ni de allá. Maria vivió la mitad de su vida en México y lo demás lo ha vivido en el Este de Los Ángeles. She has looked for a place where she can finally feel welcomed. El entorno en el que se crió ha sido confuso, un lado de su cerebro le dice que pertenece en México porque nació y empezó su vida allí pero la otra mitad le dice que su nueva vida pertenece a un país que no la quiere por ser como es.
María Evelyn Romero Gomez is an artist. As a child, she never considered photography as a job or career path for a woman of color like herself because most photographers that she met were men. Maria Evelyn needs to be someone people can look up to and reflect similar characteristics they possess themselves.
Las Fotos Project, a non-profit organization in L.A., allowed her to hold a professional level camera for the first time, opening the door to her interest in photography and eventually leading to her life’s work.
*This exhibition is on display at Truly LA located at 216 S Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

Estoy Aquí #5, 2024, 120mm.

Estoy Aquí #1, 2022, Polaroid.

Untitled, 2024, 120mm.

Estoy Aquí #7, 2024, 120mm.

Estoy Aquí #9, 2024, 120mm.

Mujer Divina, 2022, Darkroom print embroidered with red thread and needles from the artist’s mom. My culture in Mexico allowed me to grow up with and learn the many customs and traditions of my heritage. When I moved to L.A., I was in an unknown place. Now I feel at home because I have explored and learned that many of the traditions I grew up with are also celebrated in this country by many other people, like myself, who can't return to their first home. When I remember my dreams, I try to hold on to them for as long as possible because many of my ideas have come from scenes or things I see when I sleep. Sometimes certain words trigger my brain and this process is essential to who I am and helps me start creating art.

They, he, Ella #11, 2022, Digital portrait.

Grandeza Mexicana, 2024, 120mm.

Estoy Aquí #2-3, 2023, Darkroom print.

Cuerpo, 2022, 120mm. Rosarios are a staple in every Catholic home. I grew up in a very religious household; I spent my childhood and adolescence going to church every Sunday and most of my family gatherings required a degree of planning.

Queerteñxs #3, 2024. Digital portrait.

Queerteñxs #12, 2024, Digital portrait. Bandas norteñas

They, he, Ella #1, 2022, Digital portrait.

They, he, Ella #12, 2022, Digital portrait.

They, he, Ella #3, 2022, Digital portrait.

They, he, Ella #4-8, 2022, 120mm. I co-created this series with my friend and artist Diego Torres-Casso. When Diego pitched this idea to me, I was struck with déja-vu – the night before, I had a dream in which two versions of Diego appeared. One stood with a long pink skirt next to another with a more masculine version of themself. Diego has opened up about their queer identity and culture.